Monday, October 1, 2012

Day 1.

Hey Record Time, I'm 1972 (aka David White) and with my friend Raunchy I'm going to be doing Record Time for the first time. We're a psychedelic hip hop group from the South Side of Chicago called GRO☮VE SUIT and we've only been putting out music for the past few months so we're looking forward to doing something this ambitious. I'm not really sure of what our goal is as of right now, I've never really tried something like this. I'm hoping to finish at least a full EP by the end of the week, but who knows maybe we'll be able to push it to a full album. We've discussed a concept or a theme for this project but as of right now that's still up in the air, I find that things like are better off falling into their own place and happening naturally. Here's a quick look at what we're working with;

Fender Statocaster, Washburn acoustic guitar, a bass borrowed from a friend & my dirty toes.

Raunchy doing a verse using the Samson G-Track, not the best for recording music but pretty inexpensive so it's a good deal if you want to record but can't afford professional equipment. Also using Fruity Loops 8 for production.

As for the music, we've had a pretty productive day. One song completely finished and 3 others that are at different stages, hoping to wrap those up within the next few days. I also have a few ideas for some other songs but we'll see if we're able to get to those before the deadline, things have actually been going along a lot more smoothly than I thought they would. Right now I'm just going to finish the music to a Pet Sounds-esque beat and call it a day, I'll post an update tomorrow if I have the time. Good night! ☮


  1. Welcome aboard! You'll soon feel "the madness" sit in. Embrace it. I'm really looking forward to hearing some psychedelic hip hop.

  2. I always love getting hip hop on RT - don't think we've had any with live instruments though, I can't wait!
