Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Basically, this was me from about 7:30-11:30 last night:

After eight Record Times, it finally happened - I had a day of complete and total failure. I'm scrapping EVERYTHING I did last night. Just wasn't happening. I guess it's not time to panic yet, as I remember doing RT7 in just 6 days (had a girlfriend's birthday on one day, I believe). For about 20 minutes I decided I would switch to another concept I have way in the back of my mind, but that turned out to be 100x more difficult.

I think the main problem is that my habits are so incredibly deep now - everything I try to write sounds like something I've already done before. Playing piano I can't get my fingers to do anything new.

Long story short: the stars might be aligning for my triumphant return to metal. I won't jinx it by writing the idea here, but I've got something that might be crazy enough to work. Getting more excited about it by the minute, which I think is a good sign. It doesn't require me to obsess over lyrics, it allows for a great deal of melody, and best of all, I might be able to master it louder than Logan's album.

Also it's leg day at the gym after work. RECORD TIME BEAST MODE: ENGAGE.


  1. If you can master an album louder than Logan's, I will be both impressed and terrified! lol

  2. Why? Why would you throw down this gauntlet? This will end poorly for all ears involved.
